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Competition: Port Lauragais 2024 Festival

For the 2024 edition, Nicols will be the new feature of the event Petits Marchés de l'été 2024 de Port Lauragais.The aim of this event is to meet the local producers and craftsmen of Port Lauragais. Lauragais Tourisme has announced ‘a wide choice of gourmet products and original, colourful or fragrant creations: cassoulets, pâtés, foies gras, duck confits and other culinary specialities, honeys, biscuits, candles, soaps and a whole range of products based around pastels and violets’.

CThis market is also an opportunity to discover the promise of boating without a licence with Nicols. For the more curious, it will even be possible to discover the comfort offered by our boats made in France. On our stand, you can take part in a competition and try to win a weekend cruise on the Canal du Midi! (see rules in french)


DATES: 15/06/2024 and 14/09/2024

TIMES: 10am to 5pm

ADDRESS: Port Lauragais - 31290 Avignonet-Lauragais

Petits marchés de l'été 2024 - port Lauragais

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