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An original birthday... on a river boat

Most people think of celebrating birthdays in a restaurant, at home or, for young children, why not in an amusement park: it is thought that children will be more attracted by the sweets than by the scenery. The image people have of cruises being reserved for older people is less and less true. On the water, on canals and rivers, you can meet young children, teenagers and adults. And no one is ever insensitive to a trip on the water, in the middle of nature.

For an original birthday party, why not change your surroundings and opt for a barge cruise? Take your close friends and family along on a little river cruise for a weekend or a few days: an unforgettable experience for both the birthday boy or girl and those accompanying them!

Here's a quick round-up of ideas for preparing your birthday on a boat...


A children's birthday party on a boat

Experience shows that children love being on a boat: especially if, during the navigation, they have the opportunity to play the little captains by piloting for a while! (Always under the supervision and responsibility of an adult, of course).

In fact, offering children the chance to take part in one of their friends' birthdays on a river barge is an event that sets the party apart from those of other children. The 'star of the day', your child, will leave an indelible impression on all the guests... and make you the best parents you can be !


How do you choose a boat for a crew with children?

To pilot a boat and carry out manoeuvres, you need at least 2 responsible adults, who will be busy steering the boat, going through locks, mooring... Ideally, a 3rd adult (especially if the children are young) is recommended, to keep an eye on the little ones while the two captains are at the helm and manoeuvring.

As far as the capacity of the boat you've chosen is concerned, the best thing to do is to consider that the boat you're going to charter to celebrate your birthday can hold a few less little saints (who won't be so many once they're on board) than you'd like on the boat. In other words, if the boat is designed for 10 people, count on 7 children and 2 or 3 adults, to conserve space on board.

There are 2 types of boat design:

  • Versions with forward cabins / aft cabins and a central living area. These models are more often favoured by couples, who want separate cabins to guarantee their privacy.
    For example, boats in the Comfort range:
  • Boat models with all the cabins in the bow, the saloon in the centre, and a large terrace at the stern. This version is ideal for families, tribes and children. You're probably less attached to the comfort of the sleeping area (the little ones will be happy with a small cabin), and this version with an aft terrace on the same level as the saloon offers a large day area, which will be much appreciated if your little ones have room to move around!
    For example, the boats in the Sedan and Estivale ranges are perfectly suited to your crew of adults and children:



A river cruise for a birthday... for grown-ups too!

Whether it's a wedding anniversary or an individual birthday, grown-ups too may want to opt for an original form of accommodation that brings their nearest and dearest together for the duration of this festive event.

If you have a crew of more than 12, you'll need to hire several boats. Here again, the ranges with a stern terrace on the same level as the living room will undoubtedly be your preference: in fact, two boats can be moored 'side by side' on the stern terraces. By opening the rear gates, your two terraces will communicate, and your large group will be able to enjoy an evening on the terrace together.



Our experts can help

Ideally, as with any birthday party for children or adults, the less you have to do, the better. Ask our base managers for advice: they know the best bakeries, patisseries and caterers inside out. It's the ideal solution - their advice is as good as a stack of river guides.

By asking our experts for the right places to stop to blow out candles, put on a little music or even the most pleasant place for guests to present their gifts, you can be sure that the whole family will have a great time during these mini-vacations along the water.

Explain to our base managers what you're going to do on the boats. The number of adults and children present. How much alcohol - always in moderation - you plan to consume, and how long you plan to travel to celebrate your birthday. With all this information, our experts will be able to give you ideas for fun and enjoyable activities to enhance your barge cruise.



Captain and crew: all hands on deck!

At the start of your trip on the water, you'll need to organise a short training session so that your whole crew understands the rules on board the boat you're going to charter: the technician from the base that's going to welcome you will accompany you on board the boat to introduce you to:

  • Comfort equipment and how it works (heating and/or air conditioning, battery-operated fridge or shore power, etc.).
  • The rules of navigation.
  • Finally, he will show you how to carry out the main manoeuvres: steering, mooring, lock passage.

The whole crew can follow the instruction, but on board one person will be designated as the official 'Captain': he or she will be responsible for the ship and for returning it in good condition at the end of the cruise. The crew are under his orders!

During the cruise, anyone can drive the boat: from the age of 16, the driver can be alone at the helm, but he or she always remains under the responsibility of the Captain on board, designated as such on the "yachting card" at the time of instruction. You can also offer the children the chance to drive the boat during the birthday party: however, this must be exceptional and the captain must be on board to take the helm at any time. And if the lock keeper agrees, you can also get the children to handle the locks along the canal: they'll be delighted to take on this responsibility as ship's boys and girls!



How many days for a birthday cruise?

If you're going away with a group of children, don't plan for more than a few days: a 2-day/2-night weekend package is perfect for giving the children a change of scenery without tiring them out (and the adults in charge will be glad to be able to relax their attention after these 48 intense hours!) or think about a mini-week, from Monday to Friday, i.e. 4 nights on board: the rates are adapted for short stays on the water and will give the adults a chance to decompress gently, on fresh water, after the madness of the groups of children.

If you're celebrating a family birthday, with adults or in a group, choose the duration that suits you: from a weekend to a week or more, everything is possible! Some geographical areas even allow you to organise a 3-week cruise on board your barge. This is the case in Central Burgundy via the Canal du Nivernais, the Canal Latéral à la Loire, the Canal de Briare, the Canal du Loing and the Yonne for an exceptional long-distance cruise. It's also possible in Alsace, sailing via France, Germany and Luxembourg: but beware, in this case you'll need a licence, as certain waterways in Germany are reserved for holders of a boating licence.

Whatever the length of your chosen holiday, offering your loved ones a river cruise will guarantee them (and you) unforgettable memories...



Natural and ecological decoration!

Boats are synonymous with nature, landscapes and the environment. There's no question of throwing rubber balloons, empty bottles or anything else overboard. Nature is fragile and you'll have the pleasure of an original birthday because, before you, generations of other captains for a day have preserved this space.

Decorating a boat isn't complicated, even more so when you use organic materials. Recycled paper napkins, cups with guests' names on them, bamboo cutlery and wooden plates will be your allies for a healthy, organic birthday meal. The heat on the water means you'll need to provide plenty of water to drink. Once again, no plastic bottles. Our boats contain a supply and you'll have arranged with our base managers to know where to stop en route to top up your water, if necessary.



Everyone's having fun!

Although the star of the day is the birthday boy or girl, there's no question of the others being left out. A river cruise is too good an opportunity for everyone not to come ashore happy after the party.

To achieve this, think as much about the pleasure of the little ones (games, gifts, drinks...) as you do about that of the adults.

To ensure that the children - and the grown-ups - have even more fun, consider the swimming pool option. It can be hired to be towed behind your boat. Its water is heated and filtered, giving you the comfort of a domestic pool, almost like at home! (except for its size, since this pool is filled with 700 litres of water). The Nicols piscinette is a unique opportunity to enjoy the countryside, bridges, locks and nature in the comfort of an almost Jacuzzi. Ask your hosts if this option is available when you hire your birthday boat.

Another option for enhancing your river cruise: consider preparing a number of discovery stops along the way. This could be a castle on the water's edge, a swimming area or an ideal spot for a picnic, barbecue or fishing trip... or why not organise a "treasure hunt", which will delight young and old alike?

To help you organise all these activities to enhance your boating holiday, our base managers know the region like the back of their hand (and sometimes even better than the back of their hand). They'll be able to recommend, for both children and adults, which stops to make, where to make them and what to find. The important thing is that everyone has fun, the crew, the sailors and the parents.



What about cleaning the boat?

They say that the aftermath of a party is always difficult. That's true when there's too much abuse or too many parties. Here, we're talking about a birthday party for a child, a young person or an adult, organised on the water, in the heart of nature. So everyone is made responsible for respecting the environment and the importance of preserving the landscape.

Everyone who takes part in the festival is a player on the boat. Moussaillons, captains and crew are all in the same boat, respectful of the fauna, flora and water that provide the opportunity for this extraordinary party!

Everyone will be able to take part in cleaning the boat: and returning a boat in good condition doesn't mean it has to come back as good as new. It means that every member of the crew, whether guest, charterer or participant in the party, will have played a part in getting the boat back to a clean condition. And the best way to do this is to have a party and think about how to do it. The pinata, which has become a birthday tradition, is not made of plastic but of recycled paper. Instead of confetti, we use lavender seeds, which are much more fragrant. The bridge is cleaned with ordinary Marseille soap and water taken directly from the canal, using a bucket or hose. Another way to keep the kids busy!

Another solution: if you lack the courage to give your boat a thorough cleaning, inside and out, the day after a party, all NICOLS bases offer an "inclusive cleaning" service. Ask about the conditions and prices (which vary according to the size of your boat) when you board, or even better, when you book.

Give the gift of a river cruise for a birthday: think of the NICOLS gift card!

If you want to offer a river cruise for a birthday, you can opt for the NICOLS gift card. The advantage is that you can choose between two options:

  • Either you know exactly which cruise you want to offer (base, boat, dates), and you can contact the Nicols booking centre to block the boat and book it.
  • Or you don't know the availability of the recipients of the gift, and you prefer to let them choose the date, the boat and the destination. In this case, choose the "kitty" option: you decide on the amount to be credited (at least ~€500 to offer a weekend on a 2/4-seater boat) and you order the corresponding gift card from our NICOLS team. You give the card to the lucky recipient, who simply needs to contact Nicols to help them choose the boat and the dates and places that suit them best.

In all cases, your original and exceptional gift will make people happy!

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